MFA Programs that are Chill with Speculative Fiction
A list of MFA programs that (to my knowledge) have accepted students who submitted speculative fiction (science fiction, fantasy, horror, slipstream, magical realism, domestic fabulism, etc.).
Finalist for CRAFT’s 2020 Elements Contest
My short story, “Girl in the Forest of Fear,” was a finalist for the 2020 CRAFT Elements Contest. While it didn’t win, they said the story was a favorite, and accepted it for publication anyway.
Shortlisted for The Masters Review’s 2020 Flash Fiction Contest
An excerpt from my novel-in-progress was shortlisted for The Master’s Review’s 2020 Flash Fiction Contest.
Still moving everything over from my old site
To see all of my blog posts, go to
Note that except for the blog, the rest of the website is out of date. Please refer to for the most up to date information about my writing and my podcast.